Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Featured Leader: Ken Miller

Beauty pageants have given a runner-up meaning to the word "congeniality" but Ken Miller's congenial manner has winner written all over it.

This successful and much-beloved businessman, who makes community work fun, creative and interesting, is at the hub of a lot of the wheels that are turning the greater Kalamazoo area into an even better place to live and work. As chair of WMU's Board of Trustees, Miller has spearheaded a new spirit of cooperation with downtown interests, and he's a staunch supporter of the arts and just about anything else that helps improve the quality of life in the region.

Principal partner of Millennium Restaurant Group, Miller is a bridge-builder in the community. He and his wife, Julie, make the serious work of community building pleasant. And Julie may be the only person around more well-liked than Ken.

Miller's self-effacing style is part and parcel to a strong belief in team-building, as managers in his businesses will attest. He likes to "make sure the corners of the box are square;" he give his teams resources to work with; and then he "gets out of the way."

When honored recently by Rotary with their Red Rose citation, he modestly said, "I'm fortunate to be surrounded by good people." A lawyer by training, Miller has put his talents to work in a variety of business interests, success being the common ingredient.

On civic projects, Mr. Congeniality has a way of stepping in and keeping the ball moving. He emphasizes the positive and offers creative solutions along the way.

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