Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fine-Tuning Your Health - A Local Perspective on Health Care

With the President addressing the nation on health care this week, I thought I would share a few thoughts on health.

I am grateful for the health care available to me. I am grateful that I have a doctor and health professionals that can measure, analyze, and intervene when needed to support my health. I am grateful that there is research that deliver products that can assist in overcoming illness. And I am grateful there are systems, organizations and people that provide health care to all that are in crisis.

However, my health is first and foremost my responsibility. I am the conductor to my orchestra of health. I compose the scale, harmony and pitch. I produce the calibration and integration of the best fuel, hydration, movement, strength, rest, mindfulness, humor, attitude, and love that create my health symphony. I know when the parts are working in concert or are in discord. I need others for insight, education, motivation, guidance and love, but it is the actions that I take that reflect in my health.

I understand that my health is significantly impacted by my genetics (thank you Mom and Dad). I know that there are environmental toxins that are impacting my health. I know there are accidents that have and will occur that change the course of health. I know that the intersection of biology, physiology, sociology, emotions, and faith are not understood clearly enough to define optimal health. Yet I know what provides me energy, vitality, balance and joy. And I know that I must choose these for my life’s health.

I will be responsible for my health; choosing and acting to the best of my ability and knowledge. I will eat less – move more – breath deeply – smile and laugh – keep an open heart – balance work and play – and always love.

Keep Moving,


*Chris Crowell is the owner of Gazelle Sports, located at 214 South Kalamazoo Mall in Downtown Kalamazoo.

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