Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Is There a "Healthy" Way to Meet Someone?

Imagine the smoldering scene: there he sat in a plume of smoke. His dark, handsome features soften with every sip of whiskey. He’s unwinding after a long day at the office. Perhaps he’s waiting for someone.

Enter the single, twenty-something stuck in Kalamazoo. She let her hair down and skipped lunch to fit into her designer jeans. All ten of her toes are wedged into a pair of pointed, 4” stilettos. She orders a martini and something deep-fried with a side of ranch dressing.

Their eyes meet and the rest is romantic history…minus, of course, the lingering aroma of cigarette smoke, two hangovers and that giant side of trans fats.

Most females will tell you they dreamed of meeting their significant other in college. I distinctly remember my freshman year at Michigan State University. My girlfriends and I sat in a crowded cafeteria, checking out more than the food. I think I was the one who said: “Just imagine. Our husbands are probably somewhere on this campus, right now.”

We all graduated single and a little discouraged. As part of the post-college crowd, we learned that the last of the single people were located at bars and nightclubs. This discouraged me even more—my desire to find fun in a loud, smoky and overcrowded “hotspot” must have died with my college days. Besides, I have an inkling that most guys don’t go to the bar thinking, “I’m looking for a wife.” Just an inkling…

In a society where everything is “going green” and we rethink what we waste, I ask myself, is there a “healthy” way to meet someone? I mean, you could find the man of your dreams recycling his cans at Meijer. But I’m thinking that it would be ideal to meet someone who shares your values and with whom you could incorporate your lifestyle.

I’d like to challenge the single, twenty-somethings of Kalamazoo to get out during the daylight hours and interact in a way that betters themselves and the community. I’m thinking, take a stroll through the Farmer’s Market on a Saturday morning, go for a jog with Gazelle Sports Summer Safari, become active in a local sporting club or head to the beach and have fun in the sun (just don’t forget the SPF). These are all significant opportunities for a great time, and could be a “healthier” way to meet someone. Don’t let them go to waste!

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